On Monday 20 Feb 2012 16:04:30 P Nikolic wrote:
On Monday 20 Feb 2012 17:40:59 Jesse Juhani Jaara wrote:
chown -R your_user_name:users_or_some_another_group_you_wanna_assing_as_owener /foo/bar
man chown
something like: chown -R pete:users /home/pete/M{usic,ovies}
should do it, remebr to run it as root. But be avare that that will make you the ofvner of everysingle file in those folders :D
Well that made no difference at all everything is user:65534 Group:65534 still unable to write ..
Wonder if this thing supports NFS that might be a little more friendly as there are no windblows machines involved
Pete .
Well seems it dont like NFS . Seems i need a samb wizarad is there one lurking .. Pete . -- Linux 7-of-9 3.2.6-2-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 16 10:10:02 CET 2012 x86_64 AMD Phenom(tm) 9600B Quad-Core Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux