On 03.12.13 at 8:18, David C. Rankin wrote:
On my 1st boot after install of a new Arch box, the monitor would go to sleep in text mode. (monitor power light goes to yellow indicating sleep and screen goes black (off), not just blank) I thought that was a great trick, since normally, the screen just blanks, but the monitor doesn't really go to sleep (monitor power indicator on). Mouse movement (gpm) or key stroke would wake the monitor up as expected. After configuring the box (nothing related to display) on the next boot, the screen will blank, but not go to sleep (monitor power light remains on and screen goes blank, but not black (off))
I can't figure out what I could have done to alter anything related to the display. (configuration was to mysql, httpd, named, dhcpd, samba, etc....)
What controls whether display powers off in text mode and what can I check for in journalctl to help figure this out?
-- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.
I use 'consoleblank=<seconds>' kernel parameter to set the delay. See also ArchWiki page: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Display_Power_Management_Signaling#DPMS... --- Jakub Klinkovský (Lahwaacz)