On 13/04/16 15:23, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
After installing fontconfig I didn't notice an issue for Claws, Roxterm, SpaceFM and a few other apps. It was the other way around. For testing purpose I reinstalled the new Adwaita again and the fonts for my GTK2 apps didn't become that disgusting again, as the fonts for GTK3 apps are. However, the new Adwaita is totally broken for GTK2 apps. This can be noticed by users who have a lot of GTK2 apps installed, e.g. spacefm-gtk2, instead of spacefm. For this very reason I stay with the outdated theme. Using the outdated theme seems to have no side effects for GTK3 apps yet.
I don't know if it's related to the GTK things that were upgraded or to fontconfig or to what ever else. Sometimes, but not too seldom I run xfw and very seldom I run xfe. Both don't use the fonts anymore I once upon a time chose. Instead of IIRC monospace, they use exotic fonts nobody ever would chose for this kinds of apps. IOW it's not that monospace was replaced by another kind of monospace, it was replaced by really, really exotic fonts.
It's a PITA that even users who don't use GNOME, KDE or similar crap nowadays get broken environments, because even apps that are not from a bloatware DE break.
Reminds me of Bill Hick talking to people who are in advertising or marketing. "No really, there's no rationalization for what you do, and you are Satan's little helpers, OK?" This seems to fit good to some upstream developers too.
Maybe this is asking for DDoS attacks against GNOME :D.
Hi Ralf, What packages have you downgraded to get back to the previous version of adwaita? Richard.