On Mon, 29 Jul 2019 22:46:16 +0200 (CEST), Jeanette C. wrote:
since my last update, today, I sometimes can't change ttys. Using showkey I have checked that both the alt key and the f-keys are coming through.
Might this be a kernel issues. I believe I came from 5.0.x and am now on 5.2.3.
Hi, grep 'linux (' /var/log/pacman.log | tail -1 does show the previous kernel. You could install the kernel from testing. pacman -U https://sgp.mirror.pkgbuild.com/testing/os/x86_64/linux{,-headers,-docs}-5.2.4.arch1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz At the moment I'm using the kernel from testing and Ctrl+Alt+Fn as well as Alt+Fn are working. Actually I'm used to use Ctrl+Alt+Fn only, but I tested Alt+Fn right now. I don't know if it 'sometimes' won't work. Regards, Ralf -- pacman -Q linux{,-rt{-cornflower,-pussytoes,,-securityink}}|cut -d\ -f2 5.2.4.arch1-1 5.2_rt1-0 5.0.21_rt16-1 5.0.19_rt11-1 4.19.59_rt24-0