11 Feb
11 Feb
5:21 a.m.
On 11.02.2011 06:19, Thomas Dean wrote:
Hi folks,
I have an encounter with a small but annoying problem.
After typing pm-suspend and then resuming my laptop, it sometimes beeps, which never happens if I haven't ever suspend it.
For example, when I type too much backspace in VIM, it beeps; when I push the shutdown button, it beeps; when I type Page Down button at the end of the text, it beeps, too.
Could you please tell me how to shut its beeping?
Thanks, Thomas
It probably loads the pcspkr module. Adding !pcspkr to the modules array in rc.conf might fix it. Otherwise, a rmmod pcspkr in a post-sleep hook in /etc/pm/sleep.d/50-pcspkr (chmod +x it) might workaround it. -- Sven-Hendrik