On 02/03/2014 02:50 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
08:29 valhalla:~> loginctl show-session $XDG_SESSION_ID
NAutoVTs=6 KillExcludeUsers=root KillUserProcesses=no IdleHint=yes IdleSinceHint=0 IdleSinceHintMonotonic=0 InhibitDelayMaxUSec=5s HandlePowerKey=poweroff HandleSuspendKey=suspend HandleHibernateKey=hibernate HandleLidSwitch=suspend IdleAction=ignore IdleActionUSec=30min PreparingForShutdown=no PreparingForSleep=no
This issue has been traced to Trinity/twin requiring code changes to work in a pure systemd environment. The fix required will be similar to kde4/kwin: kde-workspace-4.11.1-kdm-logind-multiseat.patch This is in work. Until then, TDE works fine, the only areas impacted are closing tdeio_sftp connections (kio_sftp) and those permission issues dealing with user sound. Feel free to install TDE and test. Thank you for all the help with this issue. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.