On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 4:31 PM, David C. Rankin <drankinatty@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
What is the best way to clean a chroot without doing another mkarchroot?
In the chroot I have /root and /david. With Trinity there are 2 different Qt dependencies that can be used Qt3 and TQt3. I have built a set of packages on Qt3, not I want to rebuild starting with TQt3. I don't want any stray dependency mismatches, so I want to start with a fresh chroot.
I know I can just save my [local] repo and blow away the whole chroot and start over, but can I do just as well by deleting /david and then build my first package? Or, is it better to just start over with mkarchoot?
IIRC makechrootpkg used to create an overlay/union before starting, which would keep your original root intact. if you put your builds on a btrfs filesystem i believe makechrootpkg will snapshot the fs before starting (i know im mixing mkarchroot and makechrootpkg a bit here ...) imo, the most effective way is to use an overlay. this FUSE based one work just fine: http://podgorny.cz/unionfs-fuse/releases/ ... as do many other methods (DM, btrfs, overlayfs, unionfs, etc etc), though i persoanlly like the FUSE impl because it can cope with stuff better without less risk of crashing. you can then use --bind mounts or multiple overlays to do interesting things too. make sure you've enabled `ccache` in your /etc/makepkg.conf, and adjusted your `-jN` makeflag to an appropriate number. i keep a 10GiB cache around; i can blow away the webkit tree and start completely fresh, apply my in-progress patchsets, and have a working package in ~2 minutes (normally a 3+hr build). -- C Anthony