[2013-06-13 19:58:06 -0500] Leonid Isaev:
After reading sysctl-related manpages in systemd, I started to wonder about the logic behind /etc/sysctl.conf shipped with core/procps-ng. If one follows systemd's conventions, this file should be in /usr/lib/sysctl.d and mnemonically called something like "100-archlinux-default.conf". Also note, that systemd currently doesn't document /etc/sysctl.conf at all...
See: /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-sysctl.service This is the legacy location of the kernel parameters configuration file. Eventually I would like to get most things out of it and to /usr/lib/... In the meantime it's fine as it is; if you have any specific issues or want a parameter to be taken out to /usr/lib please open a feature request. Cheers. -- Gaetan