On Monday 10 Mar 2014 14:52:23 Cao, Renzhi wrote:
Hi, Thank you for giving suggestions, I have tried the one you suggest, and here is the result: #ls /mnt/sda2 boot/,grub/,home/,initramfs-fallback.img,,initramfs.img,lost+fount/,memtest8 6+/,syslinux/,vmlinuz-linux #ls /mnt/sda3 /boot,dev/,etc/,home/,opt/,lost+found/,proc/,root/,run/,srv/,usr/,var/,sys/.
I am considering sda2 as boot partition, sda3 as my home directory, which is the highest level of my system before it crashes. And I try the following two options:
1. #mount /dev/sda2 /mnt #mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/home #arch-chroot /mnt mount: mount point /mnt/proc does not exist Error => failed to set up API filesystems in arch-chroot
2. #mount /dev/sda3 /mnt #mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot #arch-chroot /mnt failed to run command /bin/sh, no such file or directory
When I try using /dev/mapper/arch_root-image as root partition, the arch-chroot works, that's why I am using that. Is there any problem in my command? Thank you very much!
What do you get when you run the "lsblk" command? It looks to me as though: /dev/sda3 => / /dev/sda2 => /boot The lsblk command should help a lot if the device-mapper is involved (e.g. if you used LVM). What's the history here? Is this an old box that you set up with Arch as a hobby project and now you just got back to it? Why was there such a long wait before an update? Do you remember the choices you made when you set it up (e.g. partitions etc...)? Paul