On Sat, 12 Jan 2013 20:35:42 +0000 "P .NIKOLIC" <p.nikolic1@btinternet.com> wrote:
Hi .
Just had to completely rebuild the system using the latest ISO .
I am now getting CPU usage of 100% on 1 core
143 root 20 0 721m 131m 22m R 00.0 2.1 16:30.31 systemd-journal is the line from top
systemd version 196-2 all the latest updates .
Journal --verify reports file corruption detected at /var/log/journal/dir-name/system.journal:87210024 (of94937088, 91%)
Any help as it makes the system way slow when loading any documents .
Pete .
Well, the easiest solution is to do "rm -vfr /var/log/journal/*", restart systemd-journald.service, and daemon-reexec systemd. I would personally skip last 2 steps and simply reboot... Of course, the price is the lost system logs. -- Leonid Isaev GnuPG key: 0x164B5A6D Fingerprint: C0DF 20D0 C075 C3F1 E1BE 775A A7AE F6CB 164B 5A6D