On 2/13/19 3:16 PM, Storm Dragon via arch-general wrote:
I'm having some issues with installing brltty. The problem is, it depends on espeak but I'm using the espeak-ng from community and it is giving me the unresolvable conflicts problem for that reason.
I don't think that brltty actually needs espeak at all, and it could probably be listed as an optional dependancy along with espeak-ng.
$ pkg-list-linked-libraries brltty libespeak ==> checking linked libraries for brltty-5.6-7-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz ... /usr/lib/brltty/libbrlttyses.so NEEDED libespeak.so.1 If I understand correctly, this is an optional driver that provides espeak integration. Also if I understand correctly, this can be built with another optional driver /usr/lib/brltty/libbrlttysen.so which would provide espeak-ng integration. espeak and espeak-ng are not drop-in replacements, but apparently brltty supports both... If brltty can simply ignore those modules when they're not loadable it would make sense to only optdepend on it. By the same token, you might want to ask for espeak-ng support to be added. I encourage you to open a bug report asking for this. -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User