26.10.2011 22:10, Squall Lionheart пишет:
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Roman V.Leon.<roman-vl@meta.ua> wrote:
26.10.2011 20:53, Squall Lionheart пишет:
Ever since the upgrade to KDE 4.7 several weeks ago, a lot of programs seem to hang in the Task Manager after I close them. They will remain for a long time or until I open another application. I also have an occasional application crash when I shutdown. Unfortunately, the crash message tells me nothing of what program is crashing and I'm not sure if it's related.
My question for everyone is regarding the programs hanging around since it's a regular thing and is most likely the cause of the latter. Is this a common thing or do I have some conflict somewhere, or a service that isn't happy?
I run pacman -Suy almost daily and use Firefox, Thunderbird, Kopete, Yakuake, VirtualBox, Terminal, Kwrite, and BOINC on a regular bases. I put my system to sleep nightly and shutdown at the end of the week. DAEMONS=(syslog-ng dbus network !netfs crond alsa @cupsd @boinc @samba).
I hope that's enough info.
Thank you
What you mean under "Task Manager" ? The thing is i have similar problem
after update to KDE 4.7 - some programs exist in task panel some time, after I closed them. For example after i closing firefox i can see it's shortcut in task panel.
-- Cheers, Roman V.Leon.
I am referring to the same thing. The Task panel is named Task Manager. After I close an application, the space it would take on the panel remains and the icon changes to the X no icon image (I think it's the xorg icon/logo). After this happens, the only way to get rid of it is to open and close another application or to wait a long time.
Do you think Desktop Search, Nepomnk or akonadi would have anything to do with this? I had them disabled for a long time then enabled them after the 4.7 update since I was constantly being nagged about them being disabled. Would rather not have them at all in my opinion.
I don't think it's search systems behaviour, i had disabled them about a year ago(when system was installed) and never used them. I was under impression that i'm just the only one lucky with this issue, now it seems that it's a bug which became visible after update. -- Cheers, Roman V.Leon.