Dear list, I am currently fine tunning and installing lots of services on my Arch box. In that way, I often refers to Arch WIKI. On the *pacman WIKI*, there is a useful Warning: **When installing packages, do *not* refresh the package list without upgrading <> the system (i.e. |pacman -Sy /package_name/|); this can lead to dependency issues. But on most WIKI, when installing a new package is needed, I always find this command: *$pacman -S packagenam* As by definition WIKI will often adress to newbies, my thought was to replace whenever I find the above command by this following one: *$pacman -Sy packagenam* In that way, newbies will very quickly take the good and sain habit of running the *-y *option when installing a new package on their box. Any idea if it could be worthwile for the comuunity? TY.