I have the same problems. Maybe it is a good design? After all, dd is a danger cmd ............ On 2009-09-24 09:27:35, Thomas B鋍hler wrote:
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 09:27:35 +0200 From: Thomas B鋍hler <thomas@archlinux.org> To: General Discusson about Arch Linux <arch-general@archlinux.org> Subject: Re: [arch-general] dd and bash_completion User-Agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090719) Reply-To: General Discusson about Arch Linux <arch-general@archlinux.org> Message-id: <4ABB1F67.6080704@archlinux.org> Content-type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha256; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary=------------enig4CECFCA1B3D161EA8A53348F List-Id: General Discusson about Arch Linux <arch-general.archlinux.org>
Thomas G鯾el schrieb:
Hi all,
i noticed that bash_completion and dd do not work together. Tiping dd if=/h<TAB> will not complete to if=/home. Without bash_completion everything works fine. Maybo someone knows how to fix this?
Same here. If you come up with a fix, tell me.