21 Jun
21 Jun
4:30 a.m.
Ionut Biru <ibiru@archlinux.org> wrote: On 06/20/2012 06:40 PM, Sergej Pupykin wrote:
At Wed, 20 Jun 2012 13:13:13 +0400, Sergej Pupykin <ml@sergej.pp.ru> wrote:
What do you think about ffmpeg-compat package ?
I've put it to community-staging and build motion, synfig and openscenegraph packages with it.
why did you bother to ask us for opinions if you don't even wait to see what we have to say. I disagree with having such package but lets see what others have to say. -- IonuČ› I also disagree with having such a package. The remaining packages aren't too many and they should be patchable.