On 06-07-2021 09:33, David C. Rankin via arch-general wrote:
On 7/4/21 10:49 PM, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:
See the release notes for pacman 6 at: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/pacman/pacman/-/raw/master/NEWS
- an additional progress bar is added to track total download progress. This replaces the previous TotalDownload option.
It's not precisely new, but it used to be you needed to opt into it because if you did, you lost the per-package download progress. A great new feature for some... but a bug to another if it can't be turned off to restore previous behavior.
from man pacman : NoProgressBar Disables progress bars. This is useful for terminals which do not support escape characters. The progressbar was redesigned (and became opt-out ) to work with paralllel downloads . If you really want previous behaviour you should also disable parallel downloads . LW