29 May
29 May
5:22 a.m.
Aaron Griffin wrote:
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:12 PM, Karolina Lindqvist <karolina.lindqvist@kramnet.se> wrote:
måndagen den 19 maj 2008 skrev Dimitrios Apostolou:
Let me start with a P3 800MHz I have running arch. Normal wait time: ~11.5s acpi=off wait time: ~5s
What about yours? Toshiba laptop, pentium 233MHz, wait time 85564ms
Woah /me blinks
In virtualbox the time has got a lot longer with 2.6.25 (with 2.6.24 it was just over 20 secs on my machine, it is now over a minute).