Op 26 feb. 2014 22:06 schreef "David C. Rankin" < drankinatty@suddenlinkmail.com> het volgende:
On 02/26/2014 05:45 AM, Gesh wrote:
A naïve reading of [1] suggests that makepkg -R should do the trick. However, as I'm away from my computer, I can't test this. Gesh [1] - https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/makepkg.8.html
With just about every other package, that is OK, but not in the case of
There are files autogenerated during Make and copied to 'pkg' that are not present if makepkg -R is called (makepkg wipes out 'pkg' before repackaging -- so in this case it will not work). That is what prompted this manual question. Thanks though. [...]
Karol's reply pointed to repkg. A script by Xyne that basically exactly what you want. I didn't completely check it, but it ends with a call to bsdtar to (re)create the pkg. So using tar directly to unpack and repack should work fine ;-). mvg, Guus