Hello Polarian, thank You for Your reply! I looked for a wiki entry first, and when I couldn't find that, I looked into the README, telling me I should look at readthedocs. I looked there for instructions, telling me the name "Meshroom", with capital "M". Therefore I'll be very happy when You add some instructions to ArchWiki, though the most important part is done (and I'll be able to create the desktop file). Kind regards, Peter Am 15.01.23 um 13:12 schrieb Polarian:
Meshroom has a binary installed into /usr/bin/meshroom so I do not know why you can't start it.
Plus shouldn't it have a systemd task, it seems like it is a server software thus should be managed by a systemd task.
Also following external docs are normally not recommended and you should stick to ArchWiki specific documentation which specifically cover how to setup the package provided by Arch Linux, but A quick ArchWiki search and I can't find any page so obviously this has not been added to the ArchWiki.
If I have time I will make a page for this on the ArchWiki, but I am unsure how popular the package is so I am not sure if I will be wasting my time or not.