Having looked again at the fsfs campaign. We, the undersigned, urge all computer makers implementing UEFI's so-called "Secure Boot" to do it in a way that allows free software operating systems to be installed. To respect user freedom and truly protect user security, manufacturers must either allow computer owners to disable the boot restrictions, or provide a sure-fire way for them to install and run a free software operating system of their choice. We commit that we will neither purchase nor recommend computers that strip users of this critical freedom, and we will actively urge people in our communities to avoid such jailed systems. The latest spec (may 9th) mandates disabling, not sure if it has changed in that respect? IN which case their may be light for the following.
I believe Microsoft could use it as a selling or anti competition point i.e. your company can use secure boot but only if you use Windows on this cheap hardware you desire or bought last year. what's more is there is no technical reason for this situation.
Can you sign keys as Tom mentioned? I hope so, the word import or signed keys are not in Microsofts document atleast.
Ensuring users can add keys and allowing multiboot and reasonably easy usage of livecds without disabling secureboot all together should be the current campaign. -- ________________________________________________________ Why not do something good every day and install BOINC. ________________________________________________________