On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 12:20:52 -0400 Jaime Oyarzun Knittel <joyarzun@alumnos.inf.utfsm.cl> wrote:
Dieter Plaetinck wrote:
Hi, When you install Arch on a device such as the freerunner, nokia n800, (t-mobile G1/2/3 ?) do you still have the ability to make/receive phone calls and sms'es? I'm looking for the perfect personal organizer (linux with extensive userland so I can run/do everything I want, good keyboard etc) that can also function as a phone. (see http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=75385 )
I'm not afraid of hacking a bit myself but in the end I want reliable phone-features as well.
I would really appreciate your input. thanks Dieter
Well, the N800 isn't a mobile phone, it's like a sub-sub-netbook :P
I think you could grab the mobile phone capabilities from the smartphone's original OS's (like OpenMoko) or am I wrong?
Good look with this :)
Oops, i confused the n800 with the n97. The n97 has an ARM cpu, so all my questions remain, only s/n800/n97 :) Dieter