Andre Osku Schmidt (2010-05-16 13:33):
2010/5/16 Ng Oon-Ee <>:
On Sat, 2010-05-15 at 23:47 +0200, Andre "Osku" Schmidt wrote:
2010/5/15 Ng Oon-Ee <>:
Check out 'pkgd'
thanks, works nicely!
only couple issues that would be nice if it could do too (or already does, and i just didn't find out how)
- not usable from arch installer. i assume i cant use it as proxy setting what is asked in the installer. but maybe i can somehow else use it from the installer?
You would need (AFAIK) to install some packages first to start using it.
- if the package is not found on the pkgd server, it will be loaded from internet to the client machine. is there a way to tell the pkgd server to download it and serve it to the client ?
Not that I'm aware off. Talk to Xyne.
Perhaps you'd just want to set up your own mirror. There's projects for that as well in the AUR, just search.
do you mean a general mirroring tool ? as i didn't found anything pkg specific mirror tool...
and wouldn't a mirror tool require my server to have ALL core/extra/community packages ? how big are those repos ? <...>
I don't really remember your initial question, but I use one package directory for 3 computers by simply having a central /var/cache/pacman, which I then mount read-write with samba. To use it from the installer, you would have to install 'smbclient' after booting. -- -- Rogutės Sparnuotos