On Wednesday 05 November 2008 22:36:12 Giovanni Scafora wrote:
2008/11/5, Shridhar Daithankar <ghodechhap@ghodechhap.net>:
Problem began when every other program including guidance-power-manager itself and mercurial(my bread-and-butter for development) started crying about missing libpython2.5.so.1.0.
Try to rename or remove /usr/lib/python2.5 directory. I've solved so.
I did a pacman -Syu, installed over 650MB of updates, including new OOo and kde4.1.3, and then I could install guidance-power-manager without problem. But it didn't do anything. I have uninstalled it. I am not playing with powerdevil. Compiled and installed, no packages yet. It needs automoc4 package and /usr//bin in front of path, to find qt4 qmake. Now I am trying to make it work. And KDE4.1.3 rocks. It is FAST compared to 4.1.2. I am loving this upgrade. -- Shridhar