Guys, We have made good progress refining the basics for Trinity PKGBUILDs. The trinity/dependencies PKGBUILDs are working for tqtinterface and arts. They have been reworked to conform with the kde4 (kde-meta) PKGBUILD structure. But, I'm having trouble understanding how to 'tie' the meta-PKGBUILDs together with the actual PKGBUILDs for the individual trinity modules. Here are the questions I have: (1) can I have 3-levels of PKGBUILDs? Example: the trinity directory structure is: trinity applications dependencies arts tqtinterface <snip> Following the kde4 layout, I was trying to create something like this: trinity <PKGBUILD pkgbase=trinity-meta> applications dependencies <PKGBUILD pkgbase=trinity-meta> arts <PKGBUILD pkgbase=trinity> tqtinterface <snip> I have the arts and tqtinterface level PKGBUILDs done, but I don't know how to tie them to the trinity-meta PKGBUILDs above. Looking at the kde4 examples, I have the following: under trinity: pkgbase=trinity-meta pkgname=('trinity-meta-applications' 'trinity-meta-dependencies' <snip> package_trinity-meta-applications() { <snip> } package_trinity-meta-dependencies() { pkgdesc=('Meta package for trinity-dependencies') depends=('cmake' 'python2-sip' 'pyqt3' 'pykde3' 'qt3') replaces=('trinity-dependencies') conflicts=('trinity-dependencies') } under trinity/dependencies: pkgbase=trinity-meta pkgname=('trinity-meta-tqtinterface' 'trinity-meta-arts') pkgver=$(getsvnrev) pkgrel=1.0 arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='' license=('GPL') groups=('trinity' 'trinity-bld') package_trinity-meta-tqtinterface() { pkgdesc=('Meta package for dependencies-tqtinterface') depends=('cmake' 'python2-sip' 'pyqt3' 'pykde3' 'qt3') replaces=('tqtinterface') conflicts=('tqtinterface') } package_trinity-meta-arts() { pkgdesc=('Meta package for dependencies-arts') depends=('cmake' 'python2-sip' 'pyqt3' 'pykde3' 'qt3' 'tqtinterface') replaces=('trinity-arts') conflicts=('trinity-arts') } under trinity/dependencies/arts: under trinity/dependencies/tqtinterface: What I don't understand is how does calling the trinity level PKGBUILD invoke the trinity/dependencies level PKGBUILD and so on.... (2) I googled using arch meta pkgbuild, but I haven't come up with a good reference. Does anyone have a good link or reference?, and don't really explain it. (3) Lastly, if anybody has interest, please look over the PKGBUILDs and let me know where I'm doing something stupid. I have done quite a bit of reading trying to digest PKGBUILDs and how to apply them to a large project like Trinity. I don't claim to be an expert on them, so I know there are places where they need improving. Thanks. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.