Hi Niels,
since I won't get an answer on the forum except "Read the Wiki" which isn't helpful, I ask here. Is here anybody with real world experiences with SELinux on Arch? The forum states the userland tools as "work in progress" which doesn't say anything about the progress… I'd like to know how easy SELinux is to use on Arch. I am just starting out to (re-)enabling it on my CentOS-servers and there it is actually not that hard after all nowadays because of the great tools available. But how about Arch?
You might want to look at this project: https://github.com/archlinuxhardened/selinux https://github.com/archlinuxhardened/selinux-policy-arch I know Nicolas is working on making it as easy as possible to use SELinux on Arch, and he is doing a great job.