On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Bennett Piater <bennett@piater.name> wrote:
Hi all, I've had a very elusive and frustrating problem this week and don't know where to look anymore. Maybe one of you has an idea? :)
Since 2016-09-04, i3wm freezes every once and a while; often after waking the screen (even if it wasn't locked), a few times also directly or a few minutes after logging in. I have not yet found a conclusive pattern.
The freeze is complete; no reaction to mouse or keyboard activity, not even in the debug logs. However, I can interact with the focused window just fine (I obviously cannot change focus). i3 also doesn't react to IPC calls (tried with i3-msg).
Up to now, I had sent SIGTERM to important programs that had been running and KILLed i3 (it doesn't react to SIGTERM, either). Today, in my frustration, I tried sending SIGCONT instead. To my surprise, i3 immediately sprung back to life.
What I do not understand is that i3 hasn't been updated in a while, let alone since Sunday. FWIW, I am running the fork i3-gaps instead of i3, but that is very close to upstream and has been stable forever.
I posted /var/log/pacman.log from the day when it started on my server [0].
Does anyone have any clue what could be causing this?
Thanks, Bennett
[0]: https://vps1.piater.name/commie/#dvm1K6lg
-- GPG fingerprint: 871F 1047 7DB3 DDED 5FC4 47B2 26C7 E577 EF96 7808
I have had two "i3 complete freezes" recently (I think I managed to trace them back to Sept 1st and Sept 5th). None were after an hibernation wake-up nor anything. Just using Chromium as usual then suddenly mouse slows down and everything freezes with no control on it. At the time I thought Chromium was the culprit. Had to reboot the machine throught the power switch. I did not try to investigate further. After a quick look at my journalctl, I can't really see anything suspicious. FYI, I am using vanilla i3 from community with i3pystatus.