Le 27 août 2016 11:36:38 GMT+02:00, Quint Guvernator <quint@guvernator.net> a écrit :
Hi all,
Currently, Linux documentation provided by the linux-docs package is installed in /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/Documentation. We like documentation in /usr/share/doc 'round these parts, as per the Packaging Guidelines. Additionally, symlinking in the package means that users always have a path to the latest kernel documentation, without having to fiddle around with uname.
Patch attached. Please let me know if I should be submitting this on a different list, or if there are formatting problems.
Cheers, Quint
Hi, No attachment allowed here, so… You should post this as a feature request againt linux on arch tracker, where you will also be able to attach your patch. Bruno