On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 01:22:44PM -0400, Francis Gerund via arch-general wrote:
The point is that the official Arch Linux support channels (forums, mailing lists, etc.) are only for official Arch projects. Any derivative projects, be they custom installers, distro derivatives, or anything else, need to run their own support channels.
If you have an issue with Talking Arch, bring it up with the Talking Arch project maintainers. If they find your problem is actually with something in Arch itself, then it would be approproate to raise the issue on the official Arch support channels.
The phrase "You are welcome" is actually meant to be indicative of the attitude with which I hope that new users would be greeted.
Thank you for allowing me to clarify that point.
Please: 1. Bottom post your replies, like I have shown above. 2. Trim quoted content appropriately. 3. Reply to the message you are addressing, not a random message on a different branch of the discussion. All this helps keep mailing list threads readable and makes archives more easy to navigate. Thanks, --Sean