Am Tue, 24 Jul 2012 23:40:51 +1000 schrieb Gaetan Bisson <>:
[2012-07-24 09:19:27 -0400] Baho Utot:
He is stating his opinion and that should be valued....
Baseless opinions are not valuable, they are spam.
Actually they are not baseless even if he didn't explain every single argument in detail. But I think e.g. regarding the UNIX philosophy he is totally right. And it actually shouldn't be necessary to explain in detail as the UNIX philosophy should be very well known anyway. Yes, I don't like those Windoze like ini files of systemd, too. Everything is and should stay a file, and every tool should do only one task but this should be done well. This is, btw., also the KISS philosophy. I really regularly wonder why people become offensive if other people say their opinions and if other people's opinions doesn't match their own opinions. Well, yes, some of Kevin's e-mails have been a bit pointless. But he is not really spamming. He just says his opinion. And it doesn't seem to be unqualified. Btw., in all those discussions about systemd as well as in all those discussions about PulseAudio, I always read more or less technical arguments from people who have objections against them or have tried them and have seen that they don't really work. From the people who like systemd and/or PulseAudio I only read arguments like "it's faster", "it's an evolution", "it's new", "everybody (distribution) uses it", "it has this and that feature", which actually only makes sense and works in a very few cases or can easily be achieved in other ways. But I haven't, yet, read any technical argument for them, why it is technically better, why it doesn't break the UNIX philosophy, why it is reliable enough etc. Heiko