I checked the binaries on my laptop, and which packages owned the packages, of those, several, including tiffdiff, belonged to AUR packages and so not the responsibility of Arch maintainers.

The only Arch-maintained packages I found affected were lm_sensors, fcitx5-configtool, and harfbuzz

On 2/13/23 00:45, Greg Minshall wrote:
hi.  after doing this `pacman -Syu base-devel` (and re-booting), a number of executables can't find some (out dated?) dynamic libraries.

below are two lists:
- one shows the affected binaries;
- the other, just the list of un-found dynamic libraries.

any thoughts?  (sorry for e-mail formatting; my editor/e-mail program of choice is among the victims! :)
(and, sorry for spurious sending to announce list; presumably that was squashed.)

cheers, Greg

bash archlinux (master): {49544} find /bin/ -type f -perm /a+x -print -exec ldd {} \; 2>&1 | awk 'NF == 1 { bin=$1; next } {print bin " ", $0}' | grep "not found"
/bin/bggen      libtiff.so.5 => not found
/bin/bggen      libjasper.so.6 => not found
/bin/hb-view    libchafa.so.0 => not found
/bin/tiffdiff   libtiff.so.5 => not found
/bin/links      libtiff.so.5 => not found
/bin/xv         libtiff.so.5 => not found
/bin/xv         libjasper.so.6 => not found
/bin/dec265     libSDL-1.2.so.0 => not found
/bin/emacs-28.1.91      libtiff.so.5 => not found
/bin/r          libopenblas.so.3 => not found
/bin/tifficc    libtiff.so.5 => not found
/bin/makemhr    libmysofa.so.1 => not found
/bin/system76-firmware-cli      libssl.so.1.1 => not found
/bin/system76-firmware-cli      libcrypto.so.1.1 => not found
/bin/sensord    librrd.so.8 => not found
/bin/xcmap      libtiff.so.5 => not found
/bin/xcmap      libjasper.so.6 => not found
/bin/mpeg2dec   libSDL-1.2.so.0 => not found
bash archlinux (master): {49545} find /bin/ -type f -perm /a+x -print -exec ldd {} \; 2>&1 | awk 'NF == 1 { bin=$1; next } {print bin " ", $0}' | grep "not found" | awk '{print $2}' | sort -ulibSDL-1.2.so.0