David C. Rankin wrote:
Here are the arch screenshot comparisons. NOTE - All the fonts in the arch kde control panel are set at "8pt" while the ones in the suse screenshots are set at "9pt" and the arch fonts (moost notable in the kmail folder list) loop larger than the same fonts in suse. The 9pt to 9pt comparison is huge. I haven't had time to exhaust all the suggestions yet, but I will and I'll report back. Meanwhile if anywone has any other ideas, please let me know. Thanks.
(~90k) http://www.3111skyline.com/download/Archlinux/bugs/kde4/font-scaling- Arch-8pt-800.jpeg
(~270k) http://www.3111skyline.com/download/Archlinux/bugs/kde4/font-scaling- Arch-8pt.jpeg
I missed the beginning of this thread, but did you set X DPI same on both Arch and Suse? Manne