Martin Kühne via arch-general wrote:
Just -Rcs and look twice at the removal. It does catch the whole tree of explicit, asdeps of the packages passed as argument, as well as packages depeding on either, but look twice on the list of packages you'd like to have removed.
Thanks. Tried a dummy run to see what would be removed. And got this.... [fang@altair ~]$ sudo pacman -Rcs ibfonts-meta-base ibfonts-meta-extended-lt lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate [sudo] password for fang: checking dependencies... warning: dependency cycle detected: warning: lib32-harfbuzz will be removed after its lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate dependency warning: dependency cycle detected: warning: lib32-pango will be removed after its lib32-cairo-infinality-ultimate dependency Packages (75) ibfonts-meta-extended-1-20 lib32-acl-2.2.52-2 lib32-attr-2.4.47-1 lib32-bzip2-1.0.6-2 lib32-cairo-infinality-ultimate-1.14.6-2 lib32-elfutils-0.167-1 lib32-expat-2.2.0-1 lib32-fontconfig-infinality-ultimate-2.11.95-1 lib32-gdk-pixbuf2-2.34.0-1 lib32-glib2-2.48.1-1 lib32-harfbuzz-1.3.1-1 lib32-icu-57.1-1 lib32-libcap-2.25-1 lib32-libcroco-0.6.11-1 lib32-libdatrie-0.2.10-1 lib32-libdbus-1.10.10-3 lib32-libdrm-2.4.70-1 lib32-libffi-3.2.1-1 lib32-libgcrypt-1.7.3-1 lib32-libgpg-error-1.24-1 lib32-libidn-1.33-1 lib32-libjpeg-turbo-1.5.0-1 lib32-libpciaccess-0.13.4-1 lib32-libpng-1.6.24-1 lib32-librsvg-2.40.16-1 lib32-libthai-0.1.24-1 lib32-libtiff-4.0.6-2 lib32-libtxc_dxtn-1.0.1-5 lib32-libx11-1.6.3-1 lib32-libxau-1.0.8-1 lib32-libxcb-1.12-2 lib32-libxdamage-1.1.4-2 lib32-libxdmcp-1.1.2-1 lib32-libxext-1.3.3-1 lib32-libxfixes-5.0.2-1 lib32-libxft-2.3.2-1 lib32-libxml2-2.9.3-1 lib32-libxrender-0.9.9-1 lib32-libxshmfence-1.2-1 lib32-libxxf86vm-1.1.4-1 lib32-llvm-libs-3.8.1-1 lib32-mesa-12.0.3-1 lib32-mesa-libgl-12.0.3-1 lib32-ncurses-6.0-2 lib32-pango-1.40.1-1 lib32-pcre-8.39-1 lib32-pixman-0.34.0-1 lib32-readline-6.3.008-2 lib32-systemd-231-1 lib32-wayland-1.11.0-1 lib32-xz-5.2.2-1 lib32-zlib-1.2.8-1 otf-oswald-ib-3.0-8 otf-quintessential-ib-1.000-6 otf-tex-gyre-ib-2.005-8 t1-cursor-ib-1.0.4-2 ttf-caladea-ib-20140817-1 ttf-cantoraone-ib-1.001-7 ttf-carlito-ib-20140820-1 ttf-courier-prime-ib-1.203-7 ttf-ddc-uchen-ib-1.000-7 ttf-gelasio-ib-1.00-7 ttf-heuristica-ib-1.0.2-4 ttf-lohit-punjabi-ib-2.5.3-7 ttf-merriweather-ib-1.584-1 ttf-merriweather-sans-ib-1.006-1 ttf-noto-fonts-cjk-ib-1.004-2 ttf-noto-fonts-ib-20150929-2 ttf-noto-fonts-nonlatin-ib-20150929-2 ttf-opensans-ib-1.10-2 ttf-signika-family-ib-1.0001-8 ttf-symbola-ib-8.00-2 ibfonts-meta-base-1-7 ibfonts-meta-extended-lt-1-17 lib32-freetype2-infinality-ultimate-2.6.3-3 Total Removed Size: 285.94 MiB
Anyway, there might be stuff in there you'd like to have but could feed a different providers, so that might be a thing you'd want to look up in the wiki on how to do. Or I would, since I'm the one not knowing how to do it.
I guess if I try this, I'll need to start in single mode and run it as root - I doubt X will run with all those packages removed. I also guess I'd better make a list of the stuff that is being pulled so I can reinstall the standard package. :) I may be reinstalling shortly - not at all sure that I can rebuild things after the change.... Paul.