On Mon, 4 Apr 2011 20:23:21 -0400 Dave Reisner <d@falconindy.com> wrote:
Hey all,
A heads up for anyone using systemd, I've just pushed the latest tag to [community-testing]. It's going to be hanging out there until we at least see udev-167. More notably, there's been a fairly silly change [1] in place that will muck up the formatting of log facilities in dmesg and syslog [2] without a kernel patch [3] to accompany it.
Understand that this is mostly cosmetic, but for anyone micromanaging their syslogs, this may have an impact unless you backport the patch to your kernel.
regards, dave
[1] http://cgit.freedesktop.org/systemd/commit/?id=7c3b203c5c69fc37c8d143851cd39... [2] http://sprunge.us/Hcjg [3] http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=patch;h=9...
wait what? systemd is in community now? as well as initscripts-systemd and systemd-arch-units, it seems.. interesting.. maybe this is something worth writing a newspost for on the mainpage? Dieter