On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Maykel Franco <maykeldebian@gmail.com> wrote: [...]
Thanks for your help.
Dear Mr. Franco, Yeah, that was more than you should expect from arch-general. The real mailing list where you want to ask for help is still aur-general which has not magically changed by now. Also, if you're not using the aur or makepkg to make your packages you're going to have a bad time. You manually set up all those dependencies which you could have found in the PKGBUILD from the start - but you do not understand what the PKGBUILD does because you thought you could use yaourt for the AUR. 1) No, the AUR is not officially supported. 2) If you want to use the AUR, help is always wanted, but help requires basic knowledge of bash and how PKGBUILDS, makepkg and pacman works; the key parts of ABS, the Archlinux Build System. 3) You made some progress, but you missed out important parts of the conversation already, and as of right now your conception of the facts is incomplete, we're unlikely to provide further help. 4) Yes, the last error message was about missing dependencies again. Next time you will need those dependencies, your "package manager" - which, I hope you are awaree, yaourt isn't, but pacman, and it will not find them and it will try to install them again. Which will lead to more confusion because these files already exist in the file system. Glad we could sort this out now. See you on aur-general. cheers! mar77i