Hello, I've noticed that, if one modifies the PATH environment variable in .zshenv, tmux fails to notice this. That is, `echo $PATH` yields different results within and without tmux, with the former being the default path, and the latter the path as modified by .zshenv. When I update PATH in .zshrc, though, it is picked up fine by tmux. I don't know what to make of this, but I've noticed the following, which might be related. If I undertand it correctly, zhs: * First sources .zshenv * Then sources /etc/zsh/zprofile * Then .zshrc In the second step, /etc/zsh/zprofile sources /etc/profile, which changes the path back to the default. Might this be the reason why tmux picks .zshrc path changes up correctly, but not .zshenv path changes? Cheers, Manolo --