-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 On 12/16/2014 01:42 AM, Dario Giovannetti wrote:
Just a quick clarification from work, I never showed support for installing the cite extension, and I'm aware that it's developers, and not TUs, that have access to the repos.
This is why I specified "especially me". But I admit, you haven't indeed explicitly mentioned the idea to install that extension, though without completely refusing that idea ;-) And for plea of that Cite extension: TL;DR: The keyword citation method from the Cite extension is better. I *do* see the need to explicitly be able to cite an article at the exact location where we made an assumption in our content. Using a keyword and putting the detailed source at the end of the document seems the best way if the link is used at several location in the document. As an example, if we cite some non tested assumptions we take from an article that we rapidly adapted to the Arch Linux world, the reader might be able to inform the original author, if he wants to, that the solution works or not. With a dedicated "see also" at the end of the document, it is less likely to happen. And as already written in the discussion on the wiki, "see also" implies that some more detailed information is available in that linked article, which is not necessary the case. A short blog post might just explain a really simple trick we completely integrated in our content (nearly copy-pasted). We are not aiming to provide and duplicate documentation from upstream. I personally don't like that idea, excepted if this leads to a disjointed article with bunch of references everywhere (e.g. the VirtualBox article I rewrite). In the case of DKMS for example, you cannot actually find any recent and updated "starting guide" excepted this old unnecessary very long one [1] dating back from 2003. The Wikipedia page is nearly non existent, and upstream does only provide a technical indigestible man page. Ubuntu does provide some more general technical guide, but again not really adapted to Arch [2]. Regards, [1] http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/6896?page=0,0 [2] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DKMS - -- William Gathoye <william@gathoye.be> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJUj4cdAAoJEA595SwE1xaDut4P/0rW8dsAU+15FsNfCR9WtVwV 4QB7Nk6yOr3cWZFrFhYFOZexEI0fUgbezFzFtLyiXOSywOtszcI6u2yaoxg9/YC8 sdKQZNskHtn4zANBjhQwq4cpGwCzxm+IOeZC978wWYNbONB+Jb/mUEtg23H6492m oZ8278MPRdkEWWwha4YZpWt+meYn381ZHPXNiefDzrDnO8N5Olel8AUxdY2OsfcY GQfPDGwPqIJfQ2fzQHPNaBt73lE3s1Y9M8ek5Xch9/7dbDeV6Lwf+1tBbtEiD2AJ onXcVtRY5q1AnhQf/tKkgaV24keRwwzRILB9Ue6x5r+MIxZ0wZbgfCIB31Lgkbw/ JIw7hJa63doTRhqB15SsKY4laMTy0sjorJNa0n4vXr7KuLj07OXkYWBRZDgKT2Cc 94VHumqfwa5ePX3TDjpklPxJQINL4yozMkDteZVYfeVl4Gg4iEwauCJoL2jSYjey YqTntL3qqE5llIaCfAPJYElKS4Do19osyeD5uoOv1N4/hObkb5CJgoGwpWqt/lsz L3RLpnxd+3QI8/GZs5B6G5KQmrqdmbWBwcvTaZvOBWOCFoRGB7KGyQ8EjyKMwS3n /h/B4lGs1Gmnx4RPxk3Kwo7EpklEVFf1Nz7u1g9txsIqHKTiYd1pBdyC+gXTWNw5 Js4QCpWFeNzy3TIV5LPx =uD29 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----