On Wed, 03 Jul 2019 09:58:48 +0200, Bennett Piater wrote:
On 2019-07-03 09:51, Ralf Mardorf via arch-general wrote:
On Wed, 03 Jul 2019 09:25:46 +0200, Bennett Piater wrote:
I opened an Arch bug so we can track it: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/63079
The maintainers can report it further upstream, they know where - that's what they are for :)
since I didn't follow this thread close enough, I don't know if this is an Arch or upstream related issue. However, it's crass if you consider it to be most likely an upstream bug and you think somebody else should do your job.
"Once you have reported a bug upstream or have found other relevant information from upstream, it might be helpful to post this in the Arch bug tracker, so both Arch developers and users are made aware of it." - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bug_reporting_guidelines#Upstream_or_Ar...
Regards, Ralf
To clarify: I did not find an upstream bug, and I don't know that this is an upstream issue.
You could be the first one reporting it upstream. My impression when reading this thread is, that those participating in this thread have got the impression, that it is an upstream bug. The Wiki also mentions, in bold letters: "If Arch is not responsible for a bug, the problem will not be solved by reporting the bug to Arch developers." Keep in mind that you suffer from this bug. If a maintainer doesn't experience this bug, the maintainer hardly can report the bug upstream and in the end you are the one who is affected, if the bug will never get fixed. My intention isn't to teach you to follow rules. I don't care at all if you do or do not. I only want to inform you, that unlikely something will happen, if a bug is reported at the wrong place.