Hmh, I'm not using a xorg.conf either, and still X freezes with the new driver and the arch stock kernel. Strange, I've filed a bug report at freedesktop for the intel driver now, let's see what they can tell us about this problem. Maybe there'll be a fix for this some time soon. On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Mikkel Poulsen <>wrote:
For one, I don't use a xorg.conf at all. But when I wrote that post, I were using the 2.6.29-rc6-zen1 kernel. With the stock kernel I see much improvement (700 FPS - almost 80% improvement) with EXA. With UXA I only get about 200 FPS.
2009/3/4 Georg Grabler <>
Would be interested in how you got that chipset running with the new drivers ... I can't get it working with the 82865G chipset, and there's not too much difference with those two.
On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 11:22 PM, Mikkel Poulsen <>wrote:
According to glxgears, my FPS falls from 400 to 100 FPS. On the contrary, YouTube Videos don't lag as much anymore.
Intel card: 82852/855GM
-- Cheers - Mikkel Poulsen
-- Cheers - Mikkel Poulsen