2011/10/3 Ángel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.org>:
I think is included in the perl core and that's why is conflicting ? ... I guess you installed it by hand (perl-term-readline from AUR).
No, I installed by hand Term-ReadLine-Gnu. I removed it now just to see how it goes, and, of course, the programs I need it for don't work. I noticed that they were not working even with Term-ReadLine-Gnu installed (after working for years), so it must have to do with recent changes in Perl. The CPAN package Term-ReadLine is just a stub, the fact that Perl provides it means nothing. Term-ReadLine is an interface to the package that does the real work, which is either Term-ReadLine-Gnu or Term-ReadLine-Perl. The latter has less features and I think it is supposed to be slower (according to its author, IIRC). So, Term-ReadLine-Gnu is a must. So, I guess the Perl changes are the problem, and I'm don't know where to go from here... Thanks
Just remove it, perl bring this package in the core.
:( J.A.