The border is the rules of the board you're posting to. If you don't like them, start your own board. But again this is an Arch board and your points and rambles do nothing to solve, help or further educate people about Secure Boot, let alone Arch Linux. That is all my point is, fight any fight you want, but seriously your points do not help and have nothing to do with the points here. If you want to fight and be vocal about choices and freedoms and what ever other issues you personally face due to choices YOU made in your life then do it, but do not spread the noise to a board that has nothing to do with what you state.
So far I understand you. Again, Apologize, I'm just a human. Dunno, if I agree or don't agree with the rest of your mail, I'll continue reading later. I can't do it now. I hope I'm not self-opinionated :S.