On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 8:09 PM, aur basica <aurbasica@gmail.com> wrote:
* Talks about distros that aren't Arch on a Arch mailing list * Starts calling it Arch GNU/Linux (from here on out I will personally call it Ubuntu /sarcasm) * Compares the CoC to slavery (unfortunately missed the opportunity to use Reductio ad Hitlerum)
Any particular reason you're trolling the mailing list?
Hi, aur basica: I don't recall mentioning any distribution other than Arch GNU/Linux, except for the OpenBSD project, as an example of what can happen when a distribution becomes pereceived by the public as insular and insolent. Again, I have never said that you have to call it anything. You are free to call it whatever you want to. And, of course, so am I. BTW, I am not trolling. Are you?