On Thursday 19 Jul 2012 18:44:13 Thorsten Jolitz wrote:
Jonathan Dlouhy <dlouhy55@gmail.com> writes:
On 07/19/2012 12:18 PM, Jayesh Badwaik wrote:
On Thursday 19 Jul 2012 17:13:44 Thorsten Jolitz wrote:
Hi List,
when I want to install a new version from an already installed AUR package - do I have to remove the old version first, or do I simply follow the same steps as if there would be no old version on my machine and pacman takes care of everything?
You can just install the new version. Pacman takes care of it. But even better would be to use something like packer/yaourt.
packer -Syu --auronly
Packer must be new somehow, did not hear about it before (only about yaourt). So this would render my git-clone of the AUR repo superfluous, because it makes AUR packages as easily installable and updatable like packages form the official repos?
To answer your question - Yes. But you have to be careful. First do your normal system upgrade through pacman pacman -Syu and after that update AUR packages. Do not install normal packages through packer or yaourt, there have been some problems last time I was reading about it. -- Jayesh Badwaik stop html mail | always bottom-post www.asciiribbon.org | www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html