I'm having two seperate issues here, one is simply a question or request for an AUR, but the other is dependancy hell and I can't resolv without removing some components. For several reasons I'd like to try leafnode 2 (beta), they have a git repo which should be easy enough - But I'd like to make a pkg out of THAT so it can be removed in future. Anybody know of a repo or a template for making a arch package out of a svn/git repo? zoneminder is kind of a security application, it allows you to monitor webcam over the net or record pictures/video. If I try to install the package it says it requires mmpeg-svn and a few others. mmpeg-svn also requires x264-git, which will remove x264, mmpeg (reg), and vlc. Vlc has no package that seems to depend on mmpeg-svn so if I remove it I get rid of my favorite video player. I'd appreciate the help getting fustrated on the second Geo -- "'Bill Gates can't guarantee Windows, so how in the HELL can you guarantee our safety!' --John Crichton (Farscape)"