Hi, Currently, mkinitcpio runs before the correct version of linux-headers is installed, since linux gets upgraded before linux-headers gets upgraded. The reason this is a problem for me is that it interferes with dkms, nvidia, vboxguest, and other mkinitcpio install/hook scripts that need the linux-headers-X version to match the linux-X version. Currently, I have a custom kernel package (let's call it linux-ido), and linux-ido has linux-headers-ido in it's depends array, so that linux-headers-ido gets installed before linux-ido. (I do this in my kernel's PKGBUILD.) For linux and linux-lts PKGBUILDs, linux-headers{,-lts} isn't a mandatory dependency, nor should it be. However, if it is installed, it should be upgraded first so that dkms and any other mkinitcpio hooks that require linux-header{,-lts} can work without requiring that the user rerun mkinitcpio manually after linux-headers is installed... Not sure what the best way to accomplish this would be? Ido