On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 11:42:54PM +0200, Xavier Chantry wrote:
Never heard of similar regression before. Can you try using http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=kernel26-nouveau-git and http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=xf86-video-nouveau-git ?
Would that be possible at all, given 24.3.2010 posted by xavier Merge of 2.6.34-rc2. On Monday, nouveau git tree went straight from 2.6.32 to 2.6.34-rc2. One backlight API change in 2.6.34-rc2 breaks compatibility with older kernels (< 2.6.34-rc2), so people doing out-of-tree builds will have to update their kernel to rc2. Alternatively, you could try to revert the backlight commit. The last thing I want is to get entangled in a recursive 'update to the latest' game. I tried the inverse today - downgrading nouveau to the version used on the machines that do work. Same problem, the older version wants a kernel < 2.6.33, and gods knows where things will end if I go that route. This is not about hacking and having fun with bleeding edge versions. Apart from the machine that doesn't work (and I don't expect anything more than what all distros since a year or two have been able to provide OOTB), there's 9000 Euro of audio hardware sitting idle. I don't mind having to tweak things, do a lot of configuration manually, etc. etc., but I do expect things to work when they go into core/extra, or at least have a fallback available. There is none, AFAICS. Ciao, -- FA O tu, che porte, correndo si ? E guerra e morte !