On Thursday 28 July 2011 01:26:01 Andrea Scarpino wrote:
Hi arKers, KDE 4.7 has been released[1] and our packages are ready in [testing].
As you already know KDE is (slowly) moving to GIT. With this transition some KDE module has been splitted into subprojects, and the remaining modules should be splitted before KDE 4.8. The result of this is that some package (e.g. kdegraphics-libs) is now splitted in several packages and each new package conflicts with the old kdegraphics-libs, so you have to remove it when pacman asks for its removal during the update.
Here some info about the splitted modules: - KDE Workspace: wallpapers are now in a separate package named kde-wallpapers, this reduced the kdebase-workspace package download size by 70%. - KDE Graphics: kdegraphics-libs is now splitted in kdegraphics-ksaneplugin, kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer, kdegraphics-svgpart, kdegraphics-thumbnailers, libkdcraw, libkexiv2, libkipi, libksane. Our official packages which depends on kdegraphics-libs have been updated to depend on the new libraries; the upgrade should work without any issue, otherwise please report it to our bug tracker. - KDE Edu: kdeedu-libkdeedu and kdeedu-data have been dropped and libkdeedu will replace them. - KDE Bindings: every subproject has been splitted in two parts: one for the qt bindings and one for the KDE bindings. The old packages have been remove and the new one are: kdebindings-kimono, kdebindings-kross-java, kdebindings-kross-python, kdebindings-korundum, kdebindings-perlkde, kdebindings-perlqt, kdebindings-qtruby, kdebindings-qyoto, kdebindings-smokegen, kdebindings-smokekde, kdebindings-smokeqt. - KDE Accessibility: kdeaccessibility-colorschemes and kdeaccessibility-iconthemes are dropped and replaced.
Have a nice update!
Hi Andrea, I just wanted to thank you for the work you do with the KDE packages in Archlinux :) And now that I'm at it...is there anyway I could help? Thanks again for the great work! Regards, Marc Deop i ArgemÃ