Uli Armbruster [2011-09-11T21:50 CEST]:
* clemens fischer <ino-news@spotteswoode.dnsalias.org> [11.09.2011 20:35]:
when using eg. "evince" to view a PDF document, links open in "epiphany", which seems to be a gnome default browser.
Does somebody know how to change the setting for default-browser when no desktop is used?
export BROWSER=your_browser
into your bashrc, zshrc or into a file you put into /etc/profile.d, depending on what you want.
some application (in my case e.g. google earth) doesn't work correctly by putting BROWSER variable into ~/.zshrc. I've solved by putting the following into ~/.xprofile: BROWSER='/usr/bin/firefox' export BROWSER -- It is perfectly possible, in theory and historically, to have efficient and courteous police, competent and learned judges, and a body of systematic and socially accepted law—and none of these things being furnished by a coercive government. --Murray N. Rothbard