18 Oct
18 Oct
8:31 p.m.
Well, thanks for the help everyone...at this point, I think I'm giving up on my GPT dreams and am going to switch back to straight-up MBR. I have been able to patch and use GRUB when booting off the installer CD, and launching the GRUB console from /mnt/sbin/grub works like a charm. But, as soon as I either "chroot /mnt" or reboot and boot off of the hard drive itself, it seems like the GRUB console is unable to read the filesystems and won't mount the partitions. Yes, I did upgrade the version of GRUB on the actual hard drive (not just the one used by the live CD, that's /sbin/grub,), but that didn't seem to make any difference. Such is life... -- Aaron "ElasticDog" Schaefer