On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 18:34, David C. Rankin <drankinatty@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
On 11/18/2011 09:41 AM, Ciprian Dorin Craciun wrote: [...]
If I catch anything useful in the logs, I'll pass it along...
For your specific issues:
Strange behaviour: * Firefox crashes randomly (or takes the CPU to 100%); (no error on stderr;) * All OpenSSL based programs complain from time to time of invalid received data; * Flash makes strange noises, strange display artefacts, usually just crashes; * mouse jumps in the upper left corner (or sometimes just stays at top or left); * nothing strange in dmesg;
This all looks "Desktop" related (except the SSL invalid received data). Have you tried another desktop? (i.e. fluxbox, openbox, gnome, kde, etc..) If you are using either kde4 or gnome shell, they are both under heavy development and I wouldn't put it past being a desktop issue.
Thanks David for the feedback. I haven't tried any other desktop environment -- and don't have time to fiddle around with them. But still my desktop environment is **very minimal**: * Window Manager -- i3wm; * terminal -- urxvt with screen; * no XDM, no PulseAudio, (only local DBus), no NetworkManager, no thrills; * pretty much a heavily trimmed down ArchLinux; (actually except the minimum necessary daemons to run the system (i.e. udev, wpa_supplicant, dhcpcd, agetty) and some stable userspace tools (i.e. ssh-agent, gpg-agent) there isn't much else; I've weeded out everything I don't necessarily need...) As such I'm not sure where to "point" the "blame". Aaa... It seems that Firefox still crashes even with 2.6.38. But the other problems I haven't encountered... So I blame Firefox for itself dying, maybe i3wm for the mouse thinggy (which if I restart X is solved), but for the OpenSSL stuff? Ciprian. P.S.: 3.1.0 was **very very very** unstable for me... It just froze in a matter of minutes... (Not even SysRq+O doesn't solve the problem...)