So now that I've got a network through systemd, I ran into trouble with some daemon service files that I crafted by hand.
None of the following directives will work (culled from different files):
ExecStartPre=cd /etc/solr
Use: WorkingDirectory=
ExecStart=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar $JAVA_OPTS start.jar $JETTY_OPTS >> /var/log/jetty.log 2>&1
You shouldn't redirect stdout/stderr, let systemd handle it see StandardInput=, StandardOutput=, StandardError= in man systemd.exec
ExecStop=kill `pidof -o %PPID /usr/sbin/dictd` 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
I don't know what's that "kill dictd" but if it's a subprocess started from your java program, systemd can handle it too. It puts every service in its own CGroup so it know all the processes started from that service. See man systemd.kill KillMode= -- дамјан